Aspirin, cancer

Scientists have described the “Eureka moment” when they discovered how aspirin may prevent some cancers from spreading.Their new research builds on existing evidence and suggests aspirin supports a ...
A new study led by researchers at the University of Cambridge has revealed the mechanism behind how aspirin could reduce ...
Scientists have uncovered the mechanism behind how aspirin could reduce the metastasis of some cancers by stimulating the ...
Cambridge scientists describe ‘Eureka’ moment of learning how common drug helps keep disease-fighting immune cells active ...
Cambridge University scientists studied mice and found giving them aspirin boosted crucial T-cells which kill the cancer ...
Identification of pathway provides mechanistic insights into the anti-metastatic effects of aspirin, as a potential basis for ...
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter A better chance of cancer patients living longer with the disease is probably in your ...
In their study, mice with breast, colon and skin cancer treated with aspirin showed lower levels of metastasis — the spread ...