The following is a summary of “Effect of blood alcohol on the diagnostic accuracy of glial fibrillary acidic protein and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 for traumatic intracranial hemorrhage: ...
A car accident. A football tackle. An unfortunate fall. These things—and more—can cause head injuries. Head injuries can happen to anyone, at any age, and they can damage the brain.
Cancers occurring in the mouth, nose, and throat are on the rise in the U.S., especially in younger people. About 60,000 new ...
With the recent report of increase in stroke cases observed after this holiday season by the Department of Health (DOH)1, ...
The state has temporarily rested its case with one witness left to take the stand next week in the trial of Joshua Thomas ...
When a 3-month-old boy was seen at Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis for seizures, a CT scan and more evaluation uncovered ...