Your take-home pay may have gotten a bump now that the Internal Revenue Service updated the income tax brackets and standard ...
Whether you are required to file a federal income tax return this year will depend on how much you earned last year, plus a ...
President Donald Trump has proposed abolishing federal income taxes, suggesting that tariffs and taxes on foreign nations ...
If you've been on social media lately, you may have seen a claim that you soon won't have to pay taxes because President ...
Rebekah Proctor and her husband, Corey Proctor, have been at the center of a series of WSMV4 investigations ranging from ...
During President Donald Trump's successful campaign bid last year, he proposed eliminating individual income taxes for all Americans and paying for the lost revenue by increasing ...
With the tax-filing season in progress, you probably have wondered how you compare with other Arizonans. Here are some ...
Someone who does not have children, for example, can qualify for up $632 for the federal earned income tax credit on their 2024 federal income tax returns if their income is low enough.
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service and partners around the nation today celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Earned ...
Lawmakers want to eliminate Missouri’s income tax, but budget experts are concerned about how they would account for the ...