As long as you pay off your medical bill balance in full within the first 15 months of your card account opening, you can save on interest while also earning cash back. This card would only make ...
E verything is negotiable, as the saying goes—and that includes medical bills. Although many people assume their health care bills are binding, there’s often more wiggle room than one would think.
The deductible and the out-of-pocket max are two health insurance terms that tell you how much you'll pay for medical care, when you'll have to pay full price at the doctor and when your insurance ...
When it comes to actually paying off your medical bill, you shouldn't opt to use a credit card unless you're sure you'll be able to pay off your balance in full and on time when it's due.
Budgeting for health care is a combination of gambling and fortune telling, writes Tove Danovich. I may as well have consulted a tarot card deck.
Sen. Jeff Yarbro (D-Nashville) introduced SB 0809, which is the Tennessee Cannabis Act. The act is an amendment to allow for ...
Alabama state Sen. Larry Stutts, R-Tuscumbia, has filed a bill to raise the age, from 14 to 18, at which people can make their own medical decisions. Sens. Jack Williams, R-Wilmer, and Gerald ...