A recent fight over between President Donald Trump and Colombian President Gustavo Petro has brought renewed attention to the ...
For our entire lives we’ve been warned about the dangers of cocaine and how it could lead to a life of addiction and ...
México entero debe agradecer con aplausos y de pie al presidente colombiano Gustavo Petro por la enorme lección que brindó el ...
Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Friday urged undocumented Colombians in the United States to quit their jobs ...
The Government of Colombia, under the direction of President Gustavo Petro, has arranged the presidential plane to facilitate ...
Una mujer oriunda de Antioquia habló de difíciles circunstancias que enfrentó en deportación e hizo llamado a Gustavo Petro ...
AP Foto/Fernando Vergara BOGOTÁ -- El presidente colombiano Gustavo Petro pidió el viernes a sus compatriotas que trabajan sin estatus legal en Estados Unidos que dejen inmediatamente sus ...
Angered by how deportees were being returned with their hands bound aboard military flights, Colombian President Gustavo Petro turned back two of the flights that were already in the air and ...