Today marks National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a time to raise awareness about the impact of HIV and AIDS on women and girls.
Dayton & Montgomery County Public Health hosted its ninth annual “Rocking our Red Pumps” event on Friday to recognize ...
Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) announced the launch of a new campaign, called Let’s Talk HIV Boston, aimed at increasing awareness and reducing HIV-related stigma with a focus on educating the ...
Last year’s Dance Marathon further ignited her motivation to raise awareness and funds to fight HIV/AIDS, making her feel part of a bigger cause, she added. Pictured are two students being ...
Since then Mercy has continued to campaign on HIV Awareness and she’s now involved in a commission aiming to end HIV transmissions in England by 2030.
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – In recognition of Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a special event will spotlight the impact of HIV within the Black LGBTQ+ and transgender communities, featuring the powerful ...