First transmitted in 1956, the Zoo Quest team sail to Komodo island, the home of a giant lizard known as the Komodo dragon. Show more First transmitted in 1956, the Zoo Quest team sails to Komodo ...
The estimated 2000 dragons left on Earth have been known to tackle adult buffaloes when hungry, so we’re a tad jittery during our circuitous four-kilometre hike from Komodo Island’s ranger ...
Here’s what it takes to catch a dragon. Slaughter a goat. Cut it up. Enlist a few strong friends to hoist three ten-foot-long steel traps, grab bags of goat meat, and trek a few miles up and ...
As formidable as the Komodo dragon seems, it’s very much at risk. On seven Indonesian islands that are the only places the species lives in the wild, humans burn its habitat to clear land and ...
At this park, visitors can witness these creatures roaming freely across the islands. Visiting Komodo National Park also offers an opportunity to observe these majestic reptiles in their natural ...
They are the world’s largest lizards. Canon EOS−1D X 100−400mm f4.5−5.6 lens at 100mm 1/2000 sec at f7.1 Komodo National Park, Rinca island, Indonesia.