A massive prehistoric salmon had tusk-like teeth that protruded from either side of its snout, a new study finds. Capable of reaching 8.8 feet (2.7 meters) in length by some estimations ...
specifically Chinook salmon, the largest and fattiest salmon available. But, Puget Sound Chinook have been listed as “threatened” on the Endangered Species List since 1999, as have the Lower ...
They eat other fish but preferentially target chinook, the biggest, fattiest salmon in the sea. A key to orca survival is for more of the runs they depend on to improve, so they get enough food.
In response to a petition by the Native Fish Society, Center for Biological Diversity and Umpqua Watersheds, the National Marine Fisheries Service determined today that the Oregon Coast and southern ...
According to my calculations, there are 43 days left before spring officially arrives. And there are only 37 days until ...
Some of the commercial, hook-and-line troll fishery’s allocation of migratory chinook salmon will be reallocated to the nonresident/resident sport fishery following a 5-2 ruling by the Alaska Board of ...