The carcass was identified to be a salmonid after a member of Milwaukee Magazine’s staff reached out to the Department of ...
Chinook salmon populations in California are still declining, despite salmon fishing being banned for two years.
California’s Chinook salmon population continues to decline, prompting concerns over a possible third consecutive closure of ...
Conservation groups are suing NOAA Fisheries after the agency missed the one-year deadline for ruling on a petition seeking ...
Chinook salmon are an “emblematic species,” similar ... Historically, these fish have matured to adulthood in the Pacific Ocean, then returned upstream to cold, fresh water in the mountains ...
The minimum size for salmon is set at 12 inches, and wild Chinook must be released. Fishing will be open only on Mondays, ...
Four national and local wildlife conservation nonprofits sued the National Marine Fisheries Service Tuesday for allegedly failing to make Endangered Species Act protection decisions when they were ...
The Pacific Fishery Management Council is weighing a decision at one of their conferences to determine the fate of California ...
This year, state estimates show the number of Chinook salmon is still so low that fishing could again be prohibited — or if not, sharply limited — to help fish stocks recover. The Pacific ...
California’s embattled salmon populations continue to struggle. According to figures released on February 26 by the ...
California's fishing fleet depends on catching Chinook salmon. Low population numbers could lead regulators to shut down or ...