A car accident. A football tackle. An unfortunate fall. These things—and more—can cause head injuries. Head injuries can happen to anyone, at any age, and they can damage the brain.
In today's Health Matters with TSET, Amy Slanchik shares more about the millions of Americans who live with disabilities ...
With a concussion (mild TBI), most people recover most or all of their brain function within 3 months following injury, with most recovering sooner. With moderate TBI, most people recover most or all ...
A brain injury is described as traumatic or non-traumatic depending on how it occurred. Some injuries result in short-term challenges while others can result in permanent disability. Our nationally ...
disorientation, or slowed thinking. Basics of traumatic brain injury from the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER).
An estimated 2.8 million Americans sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and one in 60 people in the United States lives with a TBI-related disability. Dealing with the long-term effects of brain ...
In individuals with severe traumatic brain injury or a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 3-8, this response can be exaggerated and episodic. A term commonly used by nurses caring for these individuals ...