The animated sequel marks the fulfilment of a new executive structure and a mandate to avoid the culture wars.
The studio's live-action $200 million remake will hit theaters on March 25, 2025, in a reimagining of the 1937 classic.
The official trailer for Disney's "Snow White" live-action adaptation, starring Rachel Zegler and Gal Gadot, is here.
Snow White reimagines the 1937 animated Disney film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which is based on the Brothers Grimm ...
Zegler’s casting in the lead role generated controversy from critics who were unhappy about the fictional character being ...
The second trailer for Disney’s live-action remake of “Snow White” has officially released, showcasing more of Rachel ...
Disney finally revealed 1937's first feature-length film, Snow White’s, live action trailer.The film stars Racheal Zegler as ...
Disney has recently released the trailer for its live-action adaptation of Snow White. The film will feature Rachel Zegler as ...