One of the most beloved FPS series from the late 1990s, Turok is back with a new spin on the dinosaur franchise—the first new release since a 2008 reboot. Saber Interactive unveiled Turok: Origins ...
I'm bewitched by this hyper-violent fantasy FPS where you feast upon the brains, eyes, and spleens of your brutalized foes ...
Mixing Tarkov, Counter-Strike 2, and Gray Zone Warfare, a super realistic new FPS with a sweeping sandbox mode has finally landed on Steam.
GFA Games has released a new trailer for Pioner, a post-apocalyptic MMO FPS, along with launching its Steam page.
A list of 10 Insanely Difficult Achievements in FPS Games, including brutal single-player tasks and nigh unobtainable ...
Free-to-play tactical shooter Delta Force aims to keep players sticking around by adding some very lucrative events in its ...
The Fortnite franchise is about to evolve once again, as it takes things into the first-person perspective via a new mode.
For those who grew up with the comics and movies set in the Marvel universe, Marvel Rivals presents the ultimate throwback to ...
Cruelty Squad developer Ville Kallio (who publishes under the name Consumer Softproducts) has announced a collaboration with ...