The Council adopted a third assistance measure worth €60 million under the EPF to the benefit the Lebanese Armed Forces.
The EU rules on nature protection aim to safeguard species and their habitats. Natura 2000 is the largest coordinated network ...
The Council approved the Commission’s positive assessment of the amended recovery and resilience plans submitted by Greece, Cyprus and Spain.
Today, the Council appointed Preben Aamann as the new Director-General for Communication and Information (COMM).
The Council adopted recommendations for seven countries to correct their excessive deficit situation within a set time period: Belgium, France, Italy, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Romania.
The Council of the EU has adopted the European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation, which will make it easier to exchange and access health data at EU level.
The Council today adopted recommendations endorsing the first-ever medium-term fiscal-structural plans and setting the net expenditure paths for 21 member states.
The EU issued a statement welcoming the ceasefire agreement in Gaza, which enabled the release of hostages, easing humanitarian suffering, and bringing an end to hostilities.
The Council adopted a decision authorising the coordinator of the PESCO project ‘Military Mobility’ to invite Switzerland to ...
Council Regulation (EU) 2024/386 of 19 January 2024 establishing restrictive measures against those who support, facilitate ...
We, the Leaders of the G7, fully endorse and will stand behind the ceasefire agreement reached between Israel and Hamas. This is a significant development that has the potential to secure the release ...