Kebijakan tarif yang diberlakukan oleh Presiden AS Donald Trump pada barang-barang impor seperti baja dan aluminium telah ...
(VOVworld) – Pada Rabu (13 Agustus), Menteri Luar Negeri (Menlu) Amerika Serikat (AS), John Kerry menegaskan bahwa sebagai ...
Riset menemukan anak muda sekarang kurang bahagia dibandingkan generasi-generasi sebelumnya. Apa pemicu bertambahnya ...
Dinas Rahasia AS menembak seorang pria di Washington, DC, dekat Gedung Putih, menyusul konfrontasi bersenjata dengan petugas ...
March 9 (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of people in Australia's Queensland state were without power on Sunday after Alfred, a downgraded tropical cyclone, brought damaging winds and heavy rains ...
Saya merasa hukuman yang diambil kemarin tidak adil Jakarta (ANTARA) - Pelatih Lyon Paulo Fonseca akhirnya buka suara soal skorsing sembilan bulan akibat tindakan konfrontasi dengan wasit Ligue 1 ...
Thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate their homes in eastern Australia ahead of the arrival of a powerful storm which risks "dangerous and life-threatening flash flooding". Forecasters ...
Economists say Australia has turned a corner. They say inflation has declined, real wages are growing, economic activity has picked up, and interest rates have been cut. They say we've achieved ...
BEIJING - Tiongkok pada Selasa (11/3) memperingatkan Inggris agar tidak memprovokasi ketegangan di Laut Tiongkok Selatan (LTS) setelah Menteri Luar Negeri Inggris, David Lammy, menyebut tindakan Beiji ...
Arthur Sinodinos was the long-time chief of staff for Prime Minister John Howard before becoming a senator, assistant treasurer and then Australia’s ambassador to the US from 2020 to 2023 ...
Two very different propositions face Western Australia's AFL sides as they enter season 2025. For Fremantle, it's time to deliver on undeniable potential, while for West Coast it's about regaining ...