Scientists have identified a biomarker for Alzheimer's that may help doctors spot the early signs of protein buildup in the ...
Researchers have conducted one of the largest eye studies ever, revealing that retinal thickness could play a key role in ...
These findings challenge the belief that bilingualism might be harmful to children with autism and encourage multilingual households to embrace multiple languages ... Prior research suggests that the ...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most widespread ... nerve fibers, and neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Together these make up the central nervous system. Researchers speculate that ...
Researchers don’t yet fully understand what causes multiple sclerosis (MS ... When myelin is damaged, it’s difficult for the brain to send signals to the rest of the body and within the ...
The discovery, which appears Jan. 22 in Nature, could explain the variation in brain aging between the sexes, since males inherit only a maternal X, as well as the variation between individual women.
Multiple sclerosis is a condition when the immune system attacks the protective sheath over nerve fibers, which interrupts signals between a person’s brain and their body, according to Mayo Clinic.
“A single brain scan helps measure the participants’ brain age only in that moment,” said Ford, who treats patients at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. “But multiple time points can help us understand if the ...
As part of the study, all participants volunteered to undergo comprehensive assessments of their thinking, movement and behaviour, alongside brain scans and blood and spinal fluid sampling.