Volume expansion improves blood pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure. Improved perfusion yields better oxygenation to areas of the brain that are at risk for secondary damage (Doyle et al., ...
Researchers conducted a retrospective study to analyze the potential effect of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) on intracerebral pressure (ICP). They continuously monitored ICP, cerebral ...
Regardless, prolonged induced hypertension in this report was associated with reduced perfusion both based on the intracranial pressure (which is a key component of the cerebral perfusion pressure) ...
Theoretically, this can cause retrograde coronary flow leading to angina and ischemic arrhythmias and retrograde carotid flow causing cerebral ... perfusion by increasing the coronary pressure ...
cuhk.edu.hk Objective External counterpulsation (ECP) is a non-invasive method used to augment cerebral perfusion in ischaemic stroke. We aimed to investigate time-course effects on blood pressure ...
Impaired cerebral autoregulatory mechanisms can lead to CHS. In a chronic ischemic brain, the arterioles and capillaries are vulnerable to rupture and bleeding when perfusion pressure abruptly ...
2022) and to predict arterial pressure by analysing MRI data of ... These enhancements are crucial for accurately capturing the complex cerebral haemodynamics in infants, in whom subtle alterations in ...
In most of the animal and human studies, BS was associated with a decrease in CBF and cerebral metabolism, even if the mean arterial pressure remained constant ... positron emission tomography (PET) ...
For athletes with concussion, persistent postconcussion changes are seen in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and white matter at ...
A perfusion technique developed at University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) to test the quality of donor livers led to a ...
Jan. 10, 2023 — A program to increase the use of magnesium sulfate, a inexpensive injection that helps prevent cerebral palsy in premature babies, is ... Inflammatory Trigger a New Clue in ...