Environmental groups claim that the National Marine Fisheries Service delayed deciding on the salmon’s protections for over ...
The center says the National Marine Fisheries Service has failed to make a timely decision on protecting the salmon under the ...
In a lawsuit filed Tuesday, four nonprofits allege the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to meet deadlines on ...
The Center for Biological Diversity and allies sued the National Marine Fisheries Service today for delaying Endangered Species Act protection decisions for spring-run Chinook salmon in Oregon, ...
Wild Fish Conservancy has notified NOAA Fisheries of its intent to sue for failing to meet legal deadlines under the Endangered Species Act and delaying federal protections to at-risk Alaskan Chinook ...
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) has advanced a set of five alternatives for reducing chum salmon bycatch ...
The board changed the Southeast Alaska King Salmon Management Plan to increase the sport allocation for kings; it reduced the ...
Last June, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which operates a series of dams in Oregon's Willamette River Basin, missed a deadline set by Congress to produce a report on how the dams are affecting ...
You know salmon is good for you, but some kinds are healthier than others. Here's how five registered dietitians rate ...
This marks the second fry release in the Feather River this year, bringing the total number of fry released to approximately ...
The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors signed onto a historic agreement for Eel River water diversions Tuesday.
This year marks 50 years for the Pacific Northwest Sportsmen's Show, billed as the most extensive and balanced outdoors show ...