The Biden administration had challenged a Republican-led redistricting plan that diluted the political power of minorities.
A pair of Texas flags flapped furiously against the wind, sending dirt across an unpaved parking lot beneath the Westpark Tollway and US 59/Loop 610 interchange. Metro buses hissed and chugged as they ...
Texas' highway system ranked 25th in the country for its cost-effectiveness and overall conditions — falling six ranking ...
Two Texas Department of Public Safety troopers were injured Thursday when they were hit by a pickup while assisting a disabled vehicle on the side of the ...
HOUSTON, TEXAS - 34-year-old Houston funeral home worker Amber Paige Laudermilk has been charged with abuse of a corpse, a ...
The project would widen SH 4 from a 2-lane roadway to a 4-lane divided roadway with two, 12-foot concrete travel lanes, ...
A Texas Department of Transportation proposal to widen State Highway 4 from east of Brownsville city limits to SpaceX is the subject of a virtual public meeting starting at 5 p.m. on March 26 and an ...
DPS officials said a passenger van with seven people inside was disabled due to a flat tire. That's when a truck traveling southbound slammed into the van.
At least two commercial structures have burned down, Suffolk County officials said. One firefighter suffered second-degree ...
The National Weather Service confirmed three tornadoes impacted in East Texas during Tuesday's severe weather. All three tornadoes were classified as EF-1s. The Scottsville tornado had winds estimated ...
There were once places called “donor states” that paid more money in taxes into the Highway Trust Fund than they received in ...