Founded on Oct. 13, 1885, the Georgia School of Technology opened its doors in October 1888 to 84 students. The School’s creation signaled the beginning of the transformation of the agrarian South to ...
Focus: preparing students to excel as professionals capable of understanding and resolving complex urban planning problems through a curriculum that gives students a broad understanding of the urban ...
Focus: training executives to assume leadership positions in businesses that have global aspirations. Blank Space (small) (text and background only visible when logged in) Business Administration - ...
Georgia Institute of Technology has 29 schools within the colleges of Business, Computing, Design, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Sciences, and Lifetime Learning. The College of Engineering at Georgia ...
The mission of the Georgia Tech PhD program in Quantitative BioSciences (QBioS) is to enable the discovery of scientific principles underlying the dynamics, structure, and function of living systems.
The Sustainable Energy and Environmental Management curriculum is a multidisciplinary program with courses taught in schools across the Georgia Tech campus. These include Public Policy, Business, ...
For those students majoring in disciplines other than computer science who wish to gain a deeper understanding of computing and its applications, the College of Computing offers the minor in computer ...
Focus: building on technical interest areas including bioengineering, computer engineering, digital signal processing, electrical energy, electromagnetics, electronic design and applications, ...
If you’re like most college-bound students, you have an image for what you want in a college experience: excellent reputation, challenging academics, innovative programs, first-class facilities, ...
Focus: providing management-based education for industry professionals through a holistic approach to business processes that integrates coursework, seminars, and hands-on learning and equips them ...
Technology Square (Tech Square) is recognized nationally as a premier innovation district, economic engine, and destination for corporate innovation and headquarter teams, university research and ...
Welcome to the place at Georgia Tech where you can find lots of different undergraduate programs. We want to challenge and inspire you. You can choose from many Bachelor of Science degrees (B.S.