BEIJING - Tiongkok pada Selasa (11/3) memperingatkan Inggris agar tidak memprovokasi ketegangan di Laut Tiongkok Selatan (LTS) setelah Menteri Luar Negeri Inggris, David Lammy, menyebut tindakan Beiji ...
(VOVworld) – Pada Rabu (13 Agustus), Menteri Luar Negeri (Menlu) Amerika Serikat (AS), John Kerry menegaskan bahwa sebagai ...
Dinas Rahasia AS menembak seorang pria di Washington, DC, dekat Gedung Putih, menyusul konfrontasi bersenjata dengan petugas ...
Elon Musk dan Marco Rubio bersitegang di hadapan Presiden Trump tentang pengurangan pegawai di Departemen Luar Negeri.
We collect and share important data and information about Australia’s environment. We also report on the environment and manage programs to help protect it. Environment Information Australia is ...
1. Istilah yang dipakai untuk menggambarkan kesatuan wilayah perairan dan gugusan pulau-pulau Indonesia yang terletak antara Samudra Pasifik dan Samudra Hindia, serta antara Benua Asia dan Benua ...
Australians have attended the funeral of Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, in Lebanon. Picture: Sally Hayden/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images Sky News submitted questions to Mourtada who ...
The Government of Japan even took the rare action last month of pleading with Australians to venture beyond the “Golden Triangle” of Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. It had hoped this would ease the ...
Experts are suggesting too much meat and microplastics in food could be behind the cause of a massive surge in bowel cancer in young Australians. It's the deadliest cancer for Aussies aged 25-44 ...
Australian people have a reputation for being hardy and fearless — after all, when you live in a country that has every kind of poisonous snake and spider known to man, not to mention the ...