An MMA physician recently opened up about a UFC Hall of Famer's brain injuries stemming from his horrific injuries.
They may also result in "diffuse axonal injury," where the force generated causes long nerves in the brain to stretch or tear. The neck is often exploited in mixed martial arts (MMA) and jiu-jitsu.
and hemorrhages (intraparenchymal and subarachnoid), white matter damage (such as diffuse axonal injury) and other damage to bony structures or blood vessels. Except for removal of extra-axial ...
Following the collision, Bianchi suffered a diffuse axonal injury which is caused by severe damage to the head. Bianchi spent nine months in a coma before tragically passing away in 2015.
Data collected by the league could help automakers design vehicles to enhance passengers’ protection against head trauma in a crash.
MBI can be a result of domestic violence, motor vehicle crash, sport-related concussion, fall, or bicycling-related injury (CDC, 1999). The neural mechanisms mediating the development of MBI ...