OKLAHOMA CITY - Oklahoma Army National Guard Soldiers demonstrated their ability to rapidly mass troops and equipment during ...
On today’s segment of “Tuesdays with Fort Sill,” 7News' Hayley Wilson and Dave Hunter spoke with Fort Sill’s Community ...
In the end, the 434th Field Artillery Brigade took home the title of Best Squad, Pvt. 2nd Class James Johnson earned the ...
FORT NELSON, B.C. — A spokeswoman for the BC Prosecution Service says charges have been stayed against two men in connection with a shooting last month in Fort Nelson, B.C., including one ...
Police said the man pointed a gun at the troopers. The shooting happened at 12:47 a.m. on North Seventh Street, state police said in a news release. The firearm police said was pointed at the ...
Fort Carson's neighbors will likely hear artillery this week through March 7. The 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team is conducting its regular artillery training and expects to generate more noise ...
If you live near Fort Carson, you may hear noise and see dust coming from the area starting tomorrow. Officials say they are conducting field artillery training south of the main post. Warren ...
FORT CARSON — Soldiers from the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team in the 4th Infantry Division will conduct field artillery training on Fort Carson from Tuesday until March 7. The Mountain Post ...