Eysiah Winnig, 28, is non-verbal, has been diagnosed with autism, paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other ...
Two local research institutions have received a multimillion-dollar grant to join a national research network. The University ...
Breakthrough Discoveries for thriving with Bipolar Disorder (BD²) announced four new national institutions to receive $2.3 million each to join the BD² Integrated Network, a collaborative research and ...
Working in partnership with clinicians, researchers, and people living with bipolar disorder, the BD² Integrated Network was established to expand knowledge of bipolar disorder while accelerating the ...
It's OK to ask for help during a manic episode. A little extra support might help make managing manic episodes easier. We ...
Menopause can worsen symptoms of bipolar disorder. In rare cases, it may trigger bipolar disorder. Menopause is a factor when ...
Heston Blumenthal opens up on bipolar struggle and wife's life-saving intervention - The chef spoke with This Morning hosts ...
It's estimated that 5 to 10 million Americans have bipolar disorder. But what do we really know about the condition?
According to Bipolar UK, bipolar is an episodic disorder characterised by sometimes ... to encourage early diagnosis so people living with the condition can enjoy a better quality of life.