A report exploring the potential of returning CT's Medicaid program to a managed care model found that doing so would likely not save money.
This latest ratings action is independent confirmation that the Connecticut regulatory environment is harming the ability of ...
Gov. Ned Lamont, who previously expressed support for ranked-choice voting, said he is studying the conclusions of a group he ...
A Current Affair went on the beat with police as they performed routine wanding searches at a Logan shopping centre. Members of a class action against a major Aussie bank feel they have been ...
Gov. Ned Lamont said Monday the misuse of the state car pool by a senior aide was under review and most likely would result in reimbursement to the state for using a work car for personal purposes.
Gov. Ned Lamont's chief of staff used a state vehicle for "personal errands," and another vehicle was often driven over 90 ...
Using state property for personal purposes can constitute a violation of the state ethics code if the value to the employee ...
Norwich ― City officials wasted no time in lobbying the state for funding to build the proposed $49 million police station in the historic Chelsea Groton Bank building, hosting a tour of the ...
Funeral services for former Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell were held Tuesday in Hartford. She died on Nov. 20 at the age of 78 ...
An important part of the job of The Daily Campus Editorial Board is building and holding institutional knowledge about the University of Connecticut for students. As students we enter and move on from ...
With new legislature next month, Gov. Ned Lamont joins comptroller and treasurer in praising Connecticut's fiscal restraint.
Comptroller Sean Scanlon is projecting state budget surpluses of $190.3 million and $149 million, for the General and Special Transportation funds, respectively, at the end of the current fiscal year, ...