Standing on a street corner outside Hamline Elementary Monday afternoon ... saying “the first reports of raids in Chicago are at an elementary school.” “Targeting children and separating ...
ICE said its agents never arrived at Hamline Elementary School, located in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood, and the US Secret Service released a statement saying it was their agents who ...
CHICAGO (CBS) --Surveillance video released on Friday shows the moment two Secret Service agents showed up at Hamline Elementary School in the Back of the Yards neighborhood one week ago.
The Secret Service agents can be seen in the video last Friday outside Hamline Elementary School on the city's South Side. Chicago Public Schools protocols were put in place when the principal ...
Secret service agents were mistakenly identified as ICE officers when attempting to enter an elementary school, creating a potentially stressful environment for education majors stationed in schools.
CHICAGO (CBS) — U.S. Immigration and ... Agents arrived at the John H. Hamline Elementary School at 1548 W. 48th Street around 11:15 a.m., but they were not allowed entry or permitted to speak ...
Around 11:15 a.m., the agents attempted to enter Hamline Elementary School, Chicago Public Schools’ Chief Education Officer Bogdana Chkoumbova said. School officials initially said the agents ...
Chicago school officials claimed several Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents tried to enter a majority-Latino elementary school in the south side of Chicago on Friday, days after Donald ...
ICE said its agents never arrived at Hamline Elementary School, located in Chicago's Back of the Yards neighborhood, and the U.S. Secret Service released a statement saying it was their agents who ...