Bobbi Rich John C. Reilly is a renaissance man. Through four decades in the spotlight, the beloved character actor has featured in too many ...
John C. Reilly has starred in some of the most beloved movies of the past 30 years, but he also enjoys music. He’s sung onstage with Dave Grohl and Beck. He’s covered some country classics. He even ...
Paste Magazine is your source for the best music, movies, TV, comedy, videogames, books, comics, craft beer, politics and more. Discover your favorite albums and films.
In the first interview about the dystopian electronic project Tall Tales, Pritchard goes deep about his secret four-year ...
Grammy nominated singer-songwriter Chris Trapper has traveled the world over, performing to a dedicated and ever-growing fan base with nothing but his guitar and his songs. Raised on John Prine and ...
She's proud to be John Hiatt's daughter, but after 13 years of releasing her own music Lilly Hiatt is confident she's forged her own path in the music biz -- including with her new album, "Forever." ...
We break down the ill-considered decisions that lead to tracks from the Beatles' "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" to Elton John's "Jamaica Jerk-Off." ...
This week, Car Seat Headrest announced a new album/rock opera, The Scholars, and shared its first single, the 11-minute multi ...
George Orwell once wrote: “Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and ...
Hot As A Pepper is a popular cover band in Greenville. But after a six-year process, they finally released their first album ...
Early on, Campbell asked for a bigger share of the band’s proceeds, and his boss simply said, “But I’m Tom Petty.” “I did my ...
The Nashville singer-songwriter puts her guitar into drop-D tunings and explores new avenues on her sixth solo release ...