The groundbreaking faith-based series The Chosen is once again defying conventional TV norms with its theatrical launch ...
"The Chosen" gets a pre-Easter theatrical release date for Season 5 before making its streaming debut. Here's a first look at ...
Last Supper (Season 5)" as it is officially titled will premiere in movie theaters via Fathom Events (in the U.S.) on March ...
5&2 Studios has released the first trailer for The Chosen: Last Supper, the fifth season of the historical drama, ahead of ...
The table is set. The people of Israel welcome Jesus as king while his disciples anticipate his crowning. Butinstead of ...
Listen carefully, because I am going to tell you what is about to happen… An iconic and incredibly bittersweet repast is on ...
The Chosen is continuing its innovative distribution approach with the theater release of Season 5, called The Chosen: Last Supper. Fans can look forward to seeing it in U.
Beginning March 27, the fifth season of the hit series "The Chosen," which focuses on the life of Jesus and his closest ...
Aren’t we doing to Jewish people what we would not want done to us?” asked retiring State Board of Education member Pat Hardy ...
"The Chosen" Season 5 will be released in theaters in 2025. Discover the official release date for the next season and watch ...
Season 5 of “The Chosen,” showing the days leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion, will be the “most intense and heaviest” yet, ...
The Chosen” creator Dallas Jenkins says Season 5 of the faith-based series focused on Holy Week will be the series’ “most ...