Including: Harry Pollitt appeals to dockers to assist Russia, May Day in London and Glasgow, spycops, "Action" by Sylvia ...
به پاس زحمات و تلاش آموزگار متعهد و مسئولم علیرضا نابدل، مجموعه اشعار وی را در اختیار کارگران و زحمتکشان قرار میدهم. نوشتن از ...
Including: Labour Party in power, transport workers in struggle, prisoners in Spain, atomic annihilation, anarchist miner ...
کمونیسم صرفاً مجموعه‌ای از تئوری‌های مبارزاتی نیست، بلکه تعهد به ارزش‌های پرولتری و کمونیستی نیز هست. کینه، خشم، و همبستگی ...
Communism is not merely a collection of theories for struggle; it is a profound commitment to proletarian and communist ...
In this short article, which was published in the first issue of Proletarier (October 1920, the original can be found in the ...
Undated issue of Direct Action, including: ex-servicemen squatting in Brighton, demobilisation and post-war conditions for ...
A short biography of Gérard Lagorce, French anarchist communist militant, active in the 1968 events and in the struggles of ...
Including: Russia, aliens bill in Britain, "Anarchy or Communism" by Bukharin, "You are called to the war" by Sylvia ...
Including: Repressive colonial laws in India, a message from Lenin, conditions in prisoner of war camps in England, Russia, Paris Peace Conference, Clara Zetkin on the Bolsheviks, etc. We do not agree ...
Undated but refers to events in May - and "In our last issue we published an appeal by the International Working Men’s Association" refers to previous June issue.