Like livebearers, bristlenoses breed fast and are regularly offered to shops in more numbers than they sell (and they can ...
Got a problem with algae in your aquarium? These fish will all earn their keep by helping to keep it under control... As our tanks become increasingly smaller we need to find similarly sized nano ...
Origin: This is a North American species and has been recorded from several states in the south east of the USA, including Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. The species was originally endemic to the ...
Over the forty-plus years Ian Fuller has kept and bred Corydoras, he’s seen many twisted tales emerge. Here he looks at straightening a few of them back out. Corydoras, a perennial favourite amongst ...
Dr Ad Konings tracks Tropheus moorii and its relatives around Lake Tanganyika. As far as I know every rugged coast on Lake Tanganyika harbours a species of Tropheus, and at least four species there ...
Practical Fishkeeping, the UK's biggest-selling fishkeeping magazine, and Pet Product Marketing, the leading magazine for the pet trade, are looking for a new joint editor. To take on the role you ...
Four killer whales have been sighted swimming near the border of Dutch and UK territorial waters in the North Sea. It is extremely rare to see orcas in the North Sea but observers from the Dorsal Fin ...
We might not always want to think too hard about it but can be strange to imagine that our fish (or maybe just their ancestors) once came from the wild, but the chances are that the fish in our tanks ...
Dave Wolfenden on a venomous predator that's a real oddball, and can actually be kept in a reef aquarium — without small fish! Common name: Leaf scorpionfish. Scientific name: Taenianotus triacanthus.
Practical Fishkeeping forum moderator Bob Mehen takes a look at 10 fish that have taken a beating from the ugly stick. The world of fish is full of creatures of great beauty, but there is a darker ...
Dutch supplier Aquadip are bringing a new range of frozen food to retailers in the UK. "An exciting new development for all retailers of aquatics products, Aquadip’s new blister packed frozen fish ...
The kids are off school so why not get them keeping fish? Kids can learn loads from keeping fish — responsibility, life and death, reproduction and a bit about science and natural history too. Most of ...