States with the lowest number of high school and college graduates also have the highest percentage of obese citizens. This ...
Being grateful allows us to attend to the positive in the world. Sometimes, this is referred to as the Amplification Model of ...
Media content has been shown to shape diverse behavior, sometimes incidentally and at other times intentionally.
There’s a lot about sexual desire we aren’t taught. As a result, we don’t have realistic expectations for our libido over ...
Flattery might seem like the best way to get people to like you, especially if they’re narcissists. New research on ...
Psychological research suggests that banning something can make people behave in unexpected and often counterproductive ways.
There’s never been more treatment and research focused on women with postpartum mental health disorders such as postpartum ...
As a couples therapist, I've found that one of the most common scenarios is when one partner shuts down a conversation with, ...
Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia. Music therapy can improve mood and cognitive performance in Alzheimer’s ...
Our cognitive biases can explain why climate conferences can fill us with apathy. Yet, behind the controversies, climate ...
As a country we are an unhappy lot, and this is especially true for our youngest. Is this because of social media and the use ...
Remaining in information bubbles leads to increased polarization, amplifying relational and social fragmentation and ...