WARREN — BRITE Energy Innovators President and CEO Rick Stockburger has been selected as co-chair of the National Coalition of Clean Energy Incubators (NCCEI), of which BRITE has been a member for six ...
A federal appeals court upheld a previous ruling that blocked two Arizona laws that sought to increase proof-of-citizenship ...
The AZ ICE Act prohibits state government entities from adopting or enforcing policies that block or restrict cooperation with federal immigration authorities.
Law enforcement would have to cooperate with ICE when they know the agency wants to detain a non-citizen in custody on suspicion of a state crime.
Republicans in the Arizona Senate approved legislation that would force local and state law enforcement to help federal ...
A federal appeals court upheld a previous ruling that blocked Arizona’s proof of citizenship provision for voter registration ...
A federal appeals court struck down provisions in two Arizona voting laws that sought to increase proof-of-citizenship ...
The order creates Operation Desert Guardian, a joint task force that allows local law enforcement to partner with federal ...
The 2-1 ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals effectively means registration procedures in Arizona won't change, at ...
The Republicans who control the Arizona Legislature, hoping to curry favor with President Donald Trump, are ramping up their efforts to end all diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs, as ...
Senate President Warren Petersen sent a le t ter to the presidents of Arizona’s three state university calling on them to follow Trump’s dictate to end DEI programs. In a press release ...